Meet Dr. Sonny

Dr. Sonny Arre | Internal Medicine

Dr. Sonny Arre | Integrative Medicine

Dr. Sonny Arre is a Medical Doctor who was born in Miami, Florida. He graduated from Florida International University with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and a medical degree. He went on to attend a residency program in North Florida. Even after everything Dr. Sonny felt incomplete, he wanted to help people that weren’t receiving the help they so rightfully needed. This spiritual motivation led him to return to the land of his ancestors to serve thee underserved. Thus, Dr. Sonny, left the United States to further his medical career in Africa.

With an extensive background in Internal Medicine, Dr. Sonny always had a strong compassion for holistic care and integrative medicine. With the launch of Okema Return International (ORI), he was able to take his medical expertise one step further. ORI was established to provide career opportunities to locales and the diaspora in the Motherland. He co-founded Okema Health in Cameroon, their mission is to make healthcare accessible to Everyone. Moreover, ORI gives free consultations at its flagship office in Yaoundé, Cameroon and provides mobile medical and telemedicine services.

Dr. Sonny understood the importance of natural medicine, along with the ORI team, the Okema Healing Medicinal Garden was started with the first planting of 400 soursop. With more crops being planted, this garden will provide herbal medicine worldwide. The high demand for natural medicine has led to the launch of Kongo Health, an online store which intends on treating common ailments with natural herbs. As the chairman of ORI, Dr. Sonny will be able to provide additional holistic medication through Kongo Health on a worldwide scale. Products will be available for purchase and shipped anywhere in the world. As Kongo Health and the Okema Healing Medicinal Garden continues to grow, more natural products will be readily available throughout the next coming months. Kongo Health is here for You!

Our Mission

To provide natural remedies for common ailments.

What is Kongo Health?

KONGO Health is an online store co-founded by Dr. Sonny, a medical doctor with a strong passion for traditional medicine. KONGO Health has products for internal and external health. It is equally important to know the body’s largest organ and primary immune defense is the skin. Thus, it is imperative for the skin to receive proper nutrients. Furthermore, KONGO Health provides healthful tips and educational videos to its viewers. 

From ancient times, herbs were and still is the foundation of medicine. Many practitioners used herbs for common ailments. KONGO Health aims to continue the tradition of providing herbs from around the world, that have been used for hundreds to thousands of years. Click here for health tips from Dr. Sonny.

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